Synergetic Astrology with Margarita ☉☽

I’m an astrologer who practices synergetic astrology - I combine your natal chart together with your Myer Briggs personality type, and whether you are an old soul or a young soul. I have yet to encounter a client who wasn’t in awe how unbelievably accurate, insightful and eye opening the reading has been.

I also teach astrology and provide e-lessons to people who would like to study synergetic astrology themselves and never have to use an astrologer again. Once you have had a combined, integrated synergetic astrology reading, you’ll recognize that standard astrology is merely one-dimensional, whereas Synergetic Astrology encompasses the full spectrum of personal insight and cosmic alignment.

Synergetic Astrology is much more than just your natal chart

By booking a natal chart reading with me, you will receive not only a personalized birth chart reading, which I write taking into account your soul's development age (whether you are a young soul or an old soul), but also valuable astrology extras, such as your astrocartography lines - geographic areas and locations that have specific astrological energy related to your chart, offering insights into how different places may affect various aspects of your life. Additionally, I will provide you with your biorhythm chart and explain how biorhythms are intertwined with your birth chart, as well as how to use this knowledge to improve your decision making, energy levels, mental clarity and all together - your life.

Services offered

  • Our consultation will take place via Zoom and will last approximately 1 hour. During the session, I will provide a comprehensive analysis of your chart. Additionally, you will receive a personalized and thorough astrology reading in PDF format as well.

  • If you want to study astrology and learn to read your own charts without relying on an astrologer, this is the perfect option for you. Individually tailored online lessons via Zoom.

    1h session = $100

    1.5h session = $150

Natal chart reading


This is your birth chart reading that helps you understand your personality traits, emotional and mental patterns, life purpose and challenges, relationships and love, hidden energetical strengths and weaknesses and more.


Synastry chart (partner’s compatibility reading)


This is your compatibility chart with your partner that helps you understand each other’s energies and how they interact, love styles, areas of conflict and growth, karmic points and more. You can use knowledge gained from this chart in couple’s counselling sessions.


Synastry chart (parent-child chart)


This is a chart that helps you understand how to better understand your child/teenager, which can benefit your parenting style. You will learn their trigger points, their emotional style, needs and expectations, how they take discipline and authority, your long term relationship dynamics and more.


Transit chart (predictive astrology chart)


This chart shows you what transits aka astrological energies will influence your year, or a specific period of your interest. Astrology does not predict lottery wins, or a day when you will meet the love of your life, however what it does is show energetically activated houses in your chart (areas in your life), where opportunities and potentialities are brought in by the universe.


Event chart (wedding day, launching a business, etc)


This reading will show which date is the most favorable for your wedding day, taking in account both your individual birth times.

Or if you are enquiring about launching a business or other big venture, it will help determine best launching times for success.


What clients are saying


  • Currently I am booked 3 weeks in advance. You will see the next available date in the booking calendar.

  • Yes, to be able to get an accurate and precise natal chart reading, the birth time has to be known.

  • 1) 1h Zoom session, where I explain your chart in detail

    2) A personalized and thorough chart analysis delivered in PDF format

    3) Ongoing support - You can ask me further questions about your chart or astrology in general, after you have read your chart reading

Want to ask something before you book? Send me a message below.