Synastry Chart Reading
This is a chart that helps you understand how to better understand your child/teenager, which can benefit your parenting style. You will learn their trigger points, their emotional style, needs and expectations, how they take discipline and authority, your long term relationship dynamics and more.
Service Description
Very often my clients come to me and say “My teenager hates me. What am I doing wrong?”. Very often, these are current clients who have already had their natal chart reading done and are now seeking insights into their relationship chart with their child.
A parent-child synastry chart examines the relationship between the parent’s astrological placements and the child’s, revealing areas of harmony and conflict.
In a constructive way, here are the main benefits that you will get from your synastry chart reading:
Understanding your child’s emotional needs: Each person has different emotional needs and ways of processing emotions. For instance, a parent with strong fire Aries Mars in the 3rd house at 15 degrees, squared by Saturn in Aquarius in the 1st house at 16 degrees influences in their chart may have a fast, eager to take action, and quick to make decisions approach, while a child with a prominent Pisces or Cancer stellium in the 4th house might need slower, calmer and softer approach. A synastry chart can show where these emotional needs align and where they clash, offering insights into how you can improve your parenting style.
Facilitating better communication: Communication is often at the root of parent-child conflicts. A synastry chart highlights areas where misunderstandings are more likely to occur, such as when Mercury squares are involved, creating potential for emotional tension. Understanding these aspects will help you as a parent adjust your communication style to better resonate with your child, leading to more harmonious interactions.
Navigating developmental stages: Every child goes through different developmental stages, and their astrological chart can provide insights into these transitions. You as a parent may feel confused or frustrated when your teenager begins to push boundaries or act out. By analyzing your child’s chart in relation to yours, the reading will provide guidance on how to best support the growth and navigate the difficult teen years.
Karmic connections and lessons:
Very often parents have tight orb conjuction aspects with their children and their synastry charts are full of karmic points. There is a saying that the child chooses you for a reason. Understanding these karmic dynamics will offer insight into the soul lessons that both you as a parent, and your child, are meant to learn together, facilitating healing and growth.