Transit Chart Reading

This chart shows you what transits aka astrological energies will influence your year, or a specific period of your interest. Astrology does not predict lottery wins, or a day when you will meet the love of your life, however what it does is show energetically activated houses in your chart (areas in your life), where opportunities and potentialities are brought in by the universe.

Service Description

A Transit Chart is a chart that allows us to gain insight into the current planetary movements and how they are interacting with the planets in your natal chart. As the planets move through the sky, they form various aspects (conjunctions, squares, oppositions, trines, and sextiles) with the planets and points in your birth chart, and these interactions reveal significant themes, opportunities, and challenges that may arise in your life.

With this reading, I will provide you with a clear picture of what is happening right now in the cosmos and how it’s impacting you personally. It will help you understand the energetic influences that are at play, allowing you to align yourself with the universe’s rhythm and navigate your life more consciously.

In a constructive way, here are the main benefits that you will get from your transit chart reading:

  1. Identify Opportunities: A Transit Chart highlights times when the cosmic energies are aligned in your favor, indicating periods where opportunities for growth, love, career advancement, and personal development are ripe for the taking. When planets form harmonious aspects, you’ll know it’s a time to take action and embrace new beginnings.

  2. Navigate Challenges: The Transit Chart also reveals when difficult transits are at play, helping you prepare for challenging periods. Understanding these transits allows you to approach them with awareness, patience, and strategic planning, reducing the impact they might have on your emotional or physical well-being. I will also provide you with clear and structured steps what you can do to minimize the tension of the transits.

  3. Timing your decisions: Timing is everything, and a Transit Chart helps you determine the best moments to make key life decisions. Whether you’re considering a career change, moving homes, or entering a new relationship, knowing when the energy is aligned can help you make empowered choices.

  4. Personal Growth: Each transit provides an opportunity for personal growth. For example, if Pluto is transiting your Venus, you may undergo a transformation in your relationships or the way you think of or approach love, requiring you to let go of old patterns and embrace deeper, more meaningful connections. These transits are invitations for inner evolution, and I will guide you through the process with clarity and understanding.

  5. Forecast Life Events: While transits don’t predict lottery wins or the day you will meet the love of your life, I will explain the overall themes that will be present in your life in a specific period that we are looking at. When a planet transits your house, that means that the house is “activated”, meaning the specific area in your life is “activated”. If you consciously take action and do things related to the department that has been “activated” by the transit, you will be “working with” the cosmic energy. Whereas when there is a hard transit affecting a particular planet in a particular house, that means that there is a challenging energy affecting your house - area of your life.