What is Synergetic Astrology?

Synergetic astrology combines a birth chart reading (professionally known as a natal chart analysis) with your Myers-Briggs personality type while also considering your soul’s developmental age.

The role of soul age in astrology

Astrological energies manifest differently in old souls versus young souls. For example, consider Leo’s fiery energy:

  • An undeveloped Leo may be self-centered, attention-seeking, and prideful.

  • A developed Leo is protective, selfless, and radiates confidence without arrogance.

Typically, an old soul expresses the more evolved qualities of their astrological placements, whereas a young soul may embody the less developed traits.

A personalized and in-depth approach

This is why, when I write astrology readings, I go the extra mile to deliver highly personalized, precise, and in-depth insights. Your unique combination of planetary influences, personality typology, and soul development creates a nuanced astrological profile that standard astrology readings often overlook.

Natal charts and personality typology

A natal chart also correlates with Socionics, a personality typology system, particularly in how planetary aspects and house placements reflect introversion and extraversion tendencies. For instance:

  • INFJ personality types almost always have prominent Pisces or other water placements in their chart, prominent Neptune conjunctions with their personal planets.

  • ESTP personality types almost always have prominent Gemini and Aquarius placements and 3rd and 11th house placements.

Beyond the natal chart

Of course, who we are is shaped by far more than just our astrological placements. Life experiences, upbringing, traumas, and countless other intricate factors influence our personal development.

However, understanding your natal chart gives you a powerful tool for self-awareness. It allows you to utilize your energies, gifts, and talents in the best possible way, find guidance that connects you to your inner voice and gain clarity on your strengths, challenges, and life path.

By integrating astrology with personality psychology and soul age analysis, synergetic astrology provides a holistic and transformative approach to self-discovery.


New Moon in Scorpio


A step-by-step guide to learning astrology: