New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio at 09°36' on November 1, 2024

On November 1, 2024, the New Moon at 09°36' Scorpio ushers in a moment of intense introspection, transformation, and emotional renewal. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars, is a sign of profound depth, power, and emotional regeneration. It is a sign that seeks to uncover the hidden, confront the shadows, and emerge stronger through the process of transformation. This New Moon presents us with an opportunity to plant seeds of change in the deepest recesses of our psyche, particularly around issues of intimacy, power dynamics, and personal transformation.

The New Moon will form a harmonious trine to Saturn in Pisces at 12°, suggesting that the changes we set in motion during this phase are grounded in maturity, structure, and long-term commitment. However, the alignment is not without tension. Mercury in Scorpio at 28° forms an opposition to retrograde Uranus in Taurus at 25°, while Venus in Sagittarius at 17° opposes Jupiter in Gemini at 20°. Mars in Cancer at 29° will also be in opposition to Pluto at 29° Capricorn. These oppositions and aspects imbue the New Moon with an energy of both challenge and opportunity, urging us to confront hidden truths and embrace transformative shifts in our lives.

The New Moon in Scorpio

A New Moon marks a time of new beginnings and inner reflection, where we plant seeds for the future. Scorpio is the zodiac’s most enigmatic and intense sign, focusing on themes of power, emotional vulnerability, transformation, and the mysterious depths of the subconscious. Under the influence of this New Moon, we are invited to dive deep into the recesses of our inner world and shed the layers of our psyche that no longer serve us. This is an ideal time for confronting our deepest fears, desires, and emotional wounds. It is a time for letting go of past traumas, emotional blockages, and outdated patterns of behavior that have held us back from our fullest expression.

Scorpio is also associated with intimacy and shared resources, so this New Moon may bring significant shifts in how we relate to others, particularly in close, personal relationships. This energy encourages us to examine the dynamics of power and control in our lives and to release any attachments to unhealthy patterns of manipulation, dependency, or secrecy. The New Moon in Scorpio offers the opportunity to transform not only our inner world but also the way we connect with others on an emotional and psychological level.

Trine to Saturn in Pisces

The trine between the New Moon and Saturn in Pisces offers a stabilizing influence, allowing us to approach our inner work with a sense of responsibility, structure, and long-term vision. Saturn in Pisces is a placement that calls us to integrate spirituality, emotional healing, and boundaries in our lives. With Saturn’s discipline and Pisces’ emotional depth, this aspect encourages us to build lasting emotional resilience and spiritual integrity as we navigate the process of transformation.

This trine provides the grounding necessary to bring our Scorpio New Moon intentions into practical reality. Saturn's influence reminds us that transformation is a slow and steady process, requiring patience, commitment, and the willingness to face uncomfortable truths. This is an excellent time to set intentions around personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual practices that will support our long-term well-being. By planting seeds of intention under this New Moon, we can lay a solid foundation for the changes we wish to see in the coming months and years.

Mercury in Scorpio opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Scorpio at 28° opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus at 25° brings a burst of mental activity, challenging us to break free from rigid thinking and embrace new perspectives. Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and thought processes, is at home in Scorpio, encouraging us to dig beneath the surface and uncover hidden truths. However, with Uranus in retrograde motion, we are invited to reassess our beliefs, thoughts, and communication patterns, particularly in relation to our material security and values.

The opposition between Mercury and retrograde Uranus can bring sudden insights, mental disruptions, or revelations that challenge the status quo. We may experience unexpected mental shifts or sudden bursts of inspiration that disrupt our usual way of thinking. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and innovation, and when retrograde, it urges us to reconsider and revise our approach to how we think, communicate, and process information. This aspect may feel mentally jarring or destabilizing, but it also offers the potential for intellectual breakthroughs that can lead to a more authentic and liberated way of engaging with the world.

Venus in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Venus in Sagittarius at 17° opposite retrograde Jupiter in Gemini at 20° brings a dynamic energy to our relationships, values, and beliefs. Venus represents love, beauty, harmony, and attraction, while Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, and higher wisdom. This opposition will likely stimulate a desire for greater intellectual, philosophical, and cultural exploration in our relationships. However, as both Venus and Jupiter are in mutable signs, we may experience a tension between the desire for expansion and the need for balance and harmony in our connections.

This opposition also challenges our beliefs about what we value in relationships and what we are willing to give and receive. Venus in Sagittarius seeks adventure and freedom in love, while Jupiter in Gemini urges us to seek variety and mental stimulation. This aspect may bring revelations or challenges to our romantic or social dynamics, urging us to reassess what we truly value in our connections and how we engage with others intellectually and emotionally. There may be an element of overindulgence, idealism, or overestimation of possibilities during this time, so it is important to temper enthusiasm with discernment.

Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

Mars at 29° Cancer opposite Pluto at 29° Capricorn forms a powerful and intense opposition, heightening emotional tension, power struggles, and confrontations. Mars in Cancer is protective, emotional, and often motivated by an unconscious need to nurture and care for others. In contrast, Pluto in Capricorn is relentless, ambitious, and focused on transformation through power and control. The opposition between Mars and Pluto can stir up deep emotional currents, provoking confrontations or intense emotional battles that force us to face our shadow selves.

This aspect may bring power struggles within our personal relationships or in our professional lives, particularly around issues of authority, control, and emotional security. While this opposition can be challenging, it also offers the potential for profound transformation. Mars and Pluto are both associated with initiation, action, and power, and their opposition presents an opportunity to confront and transform the emotional patterns that hold us back from asserting our personal power. The key here is to navigate this energy with mindfulness and self-awareness, avoiding destructive tendencies while embracing the opportunity for healing and empowerment.

Energy of the New Moon in Scorpio

To work with the energies of this New Moon, take time to reflect on the deep emotional patterns that may be holding you back from true transformation. Consider the areas of your life where you may be avoiding emotional intimacy or power struggles, and set intentions to confront and release these patterns. Use the trine to Saturn to ground your transformation in practical, long-term goals that honor your emotional integrity.

With Mercury opposite Uranus, allow yourself to embrace mental disruptions and unexpected insights, but be mindful of the potential for confusion. This is a time to reflect on your beliefs and communication patterns and make adjustments where needed. Similarly, Venus opposite Jupiter may bring revelations about your relationships and values, inviting you to reassess your desires for freedom and adventure in love.

Finally, with Mars opposite Pluto, it is crucial to confront any power struggles in your life, both within yourself and in your relationships. Embrace the potential for deep emotional healing and empowerment, while remaining mindful of the need for balance and self-awareness.


Full Moon in Taurus


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