Four elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air [LEVEL 1]

Fire energy is about being direct, passionate, impulsive, quick.

Water energy is about being emotional, sensitive, soft, intuitive. Introversion, inward oriented energy, inner world.

Earth energy is about being grounded, rational, practical, sensual. It's a slow energy, represents earthly materialism.

Air energy is about mind and brain, thinking, socializing, gathering. Inconsistent energy, lighthearted, emotionally lacking/undeveloped. Represents fun, games, humour, creativity, ideas, curiosity.

Now let's talk about the signs separately. There are 3 fire signs, or in other words 3 types of fire - first stage, immature, childish fire (Aries), developing fire, teenage fire (Leo ), adult fire, developed fire (Sagittarius).

The zodiac wheel starts with Aries, thus Aries is the beginning of all, like an infant who's just born. A kid compared to all the other energies. Aries energy is quick, impulsive, hard-headed, assertive, aggressive if not managed well, loud, very passionate, short-tempered, egoistic, direct, blunt, very full-on. Keep that in mind that an old soul person will use his or her natal Aries in a more beautiful way than a young soul person would. Young soul people always tend to go with the lowest of the energy, whereas an old soul person tends to only use the highest of each sign.

Leo is all about grand and royal things, whether it's in love or in career, leo wants everything to be big. Attention, compliments is what Leo needs like no other sign does. An old soul Leo energy is very loyal and warmth giving, whereas a young soul leo tends to go with the lowest and is rather full of self.

Sagittarius is the sign of a philosopher and represents spirituality, therefore a highly developed Sagittarius energy is a spiritual fire. Sagittarius loves freedom, adventures, higher knowledge, typically represents optimism, expansion and faith. An old soul Sagittarius energy is rather weary of the world, like an old wizard wanting to spread spiritual knowledge to the fellow people. Whereas a young soul Sagittarius typically tends to fall into the lowest qualities that is freedom loving, reckless, fear of commitment, over-restlessness.

Next up - Water element. Cancer.

Out of all 3 water signs, cancer is the one that is not too deep water. Symbolically crab sits in shallow water, rather puddle (compared to the deep waters of scorpio). Cancer water is warm, as cancer energy is  "soft" and sweet.

Cancer energy is soft, sensitive, very emotional, moody. Wants to be nurturing, homebody, private, caring, loving. Values home and family life. 

Scorpio water is the depths of the ocean, dark and deep, hard to reach. 

Scorpio is the deepest energy out of 12. Scorpio represents soulfulness, has heavy emotions, either in love or hate, doesn't do half-hearted anything, goes in full or doesn't go at all, prefers quality over quantity, detests fakeness and shallowness, craves intimacy like no other sign, when hurt is unforgiving. No other sign is capable of feeling as much as Scorpio and loving as deep as Scorpio. Very misunderstood energy. 

Pisces water is dreamy, it's a mix of water and sky, as pisces represents dream and emotional world.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac wheel, thus the oldest energy, the end of the cycle. Pisces energy is dreamy, sensitive, intuitive, mindful, all feeling, all understanding, patient, compassionate, artistic, idealistic. Highly developed pisces is psychic.

Let's talk about earth signs.

Taurus is all about being sensual, enjoying all the pleasures of life, hedonistic, self-indulgent, stubborn, reluctant for change, slowly adapting, therefore loyal. Needs comfort to feel good, food is a big part of what Taurus energy is about. Also very materialistic.

Virgo energy is about being organized, accurate, precise, responsible, well-mannered. Neat freak, strives in routine. Intelligent and erudite, likes to give suggestions to people which most of the time annoys everyone, wants to please the other and be of service to others.

Capricorn is rather reserved than emotional even though may feel a lot inside, but doesn't show it. Wants to control everything. Capricorn energy is a workaholic, career oriented, naturally good with finances. Mature, grounded energy that wants to invest in something that will last, doesn't like to waste time and energy. Stable, long lasting energy.

Eventually we have come to the air element.

Gemini energy is lighthearted, flirty, inconsistent, fleeting, all about mind, ideas, thinking, socializing, gathering, distraction, fun, games, humour, therefore has a reputation of not being one of the deep ones. Gemini is curious about everything and is notorious of being emotionally shallow. Gemini is all about "poly" instead of "mono", can't focus on one thing/person, scattered, gets bored easily, always needs a mental stimulation.

Libra energy is all about pairing/coupling/socializing. Does better in a partnership/friendship than alone. Libra energy is diplomatic and wants to be liked by everyone, sometimes doesn't even have it's own opinion, easily influenced by others. Libra energy can easily find beauty in everything, is artistic and feminine (both in a woman's and a man's chart, because it's ruled by Venus).

Aquarius energy is all about mind and intellect. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a house of groups and community, aquarius is a humanitarian and rather sees the bigger picture than details. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and is unconventional, emotionally detached, not sensitive, aloof, needs space. Values friendships, sometimes even more than relationships. Not comfortable with human feelings, emotions and sensitivity.


12 Astrology signs [LEVEL 1]


12 Astrology houses [LEVEL 1]